Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (16): Want to Go Private by Sarah Derer Littman

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine to showcase unreleased novels that we're waiting for anxiously. This week I'm picking:
Want to Go Private by Sarah Derer Littman
Pub. Date: August 2011
Summary: When Abby meets Luke online, she can’t believe her luck. He’s nice. He’s funny. He listens to her and he thinks she’s pretty. He even gets jealous of other guys, which is adorable. Without Luke, Abby’s not sure how she’d make it through her first year of high school. Everyone, including her mom and her best friend, Faith, tells Abby that if she just made more of an effort, she’d be having fun instead of dreading each and every day as if it’s a prison sentence. But there’s nothing fun about being the lowest link in the social food chain. Abby knows she’s not supposed to chat with random guys online. But Luke isn’t random, and he isn’t a stranger. Best of all, he really loves her. So what if she never goes out with her friends anymore and her grades are slipping? All she needs is Luke. Luke is her secret, and she’s his — it’s perfect that way. So when Luke suggests that they meet each other in person, Abby agrees. And then she’s gone. Missing. Without a trace. And everyone is left to put together the pieces. If they don’t, they’ll never see Abby again.
Why I chose Want to Go Private: This one sounds gripping and scary. I haven't read a novel with a plot quite like this one, so I'm definitely intrigued. Even the title sounds eerie and fitting. Make sure to leave links, and happy reading!


Jan von Harz said...

I can't wait for this one either. I love the idea of the online issue and the mystery involved. Very cool Great pick!

Majanka said...

This novel sounds like a scary, but very touching and emotional read. Adding it to my TBR list.

Here's my Waiting on Wednesday.

Elodie said...

I really want to read this one too !! The blurb sounds really good and I really like the cover !!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, this sounds like something that could and probably does happen....

Very frightening...


Unknown said...

A superb pick! It looks great. Happy Reading :)
Check out what I'm Waiting On Wednesday

Mia @GrippedintoBooks

Sandy said...

Its on my TBR, added it last week. It does sounds like its going to be gripping doesn't it? Can't wait ^_^.

My WoW

nomadreader said...

I loved this author's last book, Life After, and this one sounds intriguing too. I hope you like it!

Jess (Gone with the Words) said...

Hey! Great minds think alike! This is my WoW pick this week also! :D

Jess @ Gone with the Words

Unknown said...

Hey Caroline. Sorry its been awhile. Been busy with remodeling. This one sounds great. I'm going to get this for my daughters best friend. She nearly had a Luke. Scary.

Kaye said...

Does sound scary! I see you're reading The Twinning Murders - how is it? Are you enjoying it?
My WoW is here

Bella said...

Ooh, sounds good =]

I have an award for you! http://cheezyfeetbooks.blogspot.com/2011/02/one-lovely-blog-award.html

Anonymous said...

here's mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/02/waiting-on-wednesday_23.html

Sarah Lydia said...

this one looks soooooooo good

Beth said...

This does sound like a good read. Good luck on your 365 reviews in a year. I'm a new follower.

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

This one sounds interesting to me too! :) Great pick!

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Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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