Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Hop (13) & Follow Friday (13)

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy for Books and every week we get a question. This week's is:
"Do you ever wish you would have named your blog something different?"
My answer: All the time, honestly. I see other blogs with way more creative and original names and I wish I had thought of them. But I still like my blog name, and I think it's fitting.

Follow My Book Blog Friday is hosted by Parajukee's View and it also has a weekly question. This week's: 
"Share your current fav television show! Tell us a bit about it"
 My answer: My favorite show has gotta be Dexter. It's about a blood splatter analyst/murderer who only kills the bad guys (murderers, rapists, child abusers). He's a cop, so it's extra suspenseful. I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen the show up to the last season, so I'll just leave it at that. It's the perfect amount of creepy and surprising. Plus, Michael C. Hall is amazing in it as Dexter. Every season I get more and more hooked. The story is original and creepy (which I already said) and I just love it!
Make sure to leave links in the comments so I can check out y'alls blogs. Happy reading, y'all.


flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

I will now go check out Dexter because although I've never heard of it before, it sounds pretty cool. :)

HAppy Hopping!

BLHmistress said...

Hi Hopping thru to wish you a Happy Weekend! I have seen Dexter a few times and really liked it.

Follow Friday and Blog Hops

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I've been meaning to watch Dexter but the covers all look menacing and the blood on the cover freaks me out (strangely). New follower!

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic

Unknown said...

Just hopping by. I think you've got a good name. I've watched some of the beginning of season 1 of Dexter, then I got busy and never caught up. I loved it, I'll have to get back and have a marathon to catch up.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog (from the BBH) and I really like the layout. And the name is pretty cool too :)
I'm off to read some of your reviews.
Have a great weekend!
-Rachel Star
Under A Star Studded Sky

Anne said...

Aw, don't be hating on your name, I think it's cool! And HEY! NERDFIGTHER! =D You must be cool!

Happy weekend and DFTBA!

~Anne (

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i know a lot of people who like dexter too!

In the Hammock Blog

Christy @ TheReaderBee said...

Great pick! I'll have to order Dexter from Netflix!

Love your blog!
Happy Hopping!

Sidne said...

Hopping thru and hopped here. I like your name and the sub title is great. I shall return. need books for YA book club in neighborhood.

Howard Sherman said...

What's in a name? Everything! A name is a label, a description and a promise. I'm very happy with mine - "Howard Sherman, Implementor" but it was quite a journey to get there.

Hop on over to my blog and find out why -

Howard Sherman

Small Review said...

I need to get back into watching Dexter. I've only seen the first season. I do love the premise.

Small Review

Lindsay Cummings author said...

hopping by! new follower!! Hope you check out my blog as well! =]

i love pretty little liars!

Anonymous said...

here's mine

Precious said...

I just found out about your blog and I'd like to invite you to my blog for a last minute celebration. I want to share bookish love with giveaways!

Here's my post.

I hope you'll drop by! Have a nice weekend!

Elizabeth said...

I like your blog is very clever...first-time visitor.

Stopping by from the blog hop.

Stop by my blog for my answer if you like.

Jess (Gone with the Words) said...

I love your blog name!! It's very poetic..and romantic. I'm weird, lol. Dexter is a show I want to watch but haven't been able to fit in unfortunately.

Old follower :)
Jess @ Gone with the Words

Sara said...

Dexter is pretty awesome@

Happy Hop!!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! I really enjoy reading y'alls' thoughts and I read all of my comments.

Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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