Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (19): As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine to showcase unreleased novels that we're waiting for anxiously. This week I'm picking:
As I Wake by Elizabeth Scott
Pub. Date: September 15, 2011
Summary: What if you woke up and didn't know where you were? 
What if you didn't know who you were? 
And what if, when your memories started to come back--what if they didn't match the you that you're supposed to be? 
Ava is welcomed home from the hospital by a doting mother, lively friends, and a crush finally beginning to show interest. There's only one problem: Ava can't remember any of them--and can't shake the eerie feeling that she's not who they say she is. 
Ava struggles to break through her amnesiac haze as she goes through the motions of high-school life, but the memories that surface take place in a very different world, where Ava and familiar-faced friends are under constant scrutiny and no one can be trusted. Ava doesn't know what to make of these visions, or of the boy who is at the center of them all, until he reappears in her life and offers answers . . . but only in exchange for her trust.
Why I chose As I Wake: Well, not only is Elizabeth Scott one of my favorite authors ever, but the cover is gorgeous! Okay, and the summary sounds really, really good. I love books that involve memory loss. I'm waiting anxiously for September to roll around. Happy reading, y'all!


Midnight Bloom said...

Elizabeth Scott is one of my favourite authors as well so I'll be anticipating As I Wake just as much as you! :)

Obsession with Books said...

I have seen this one on a few lists now.

I am a new follower :)

My WoW is here, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

Jenny said...

I'm loving the cover on this one and it sounds really good!

Jan von Harz said...

Scott is awesome and I love the cover too. Great pick!

Karis Jacobstein said...

WOW! That cover! I didn't know about this at all. Thanks for posting!


Elodie said...

I've never read a book by Elizabeth Scott but I hear she's a great author !! I look forward to read one of her books =) !!

Unknown said...

Sounds good!! Thanks for sharing, here's mine:

Jessica Lawlor said...

Gorgeous cover, amazing plot and fab author. I cannot wait for this one either!

Sandy said...

I have to agree with you here. Gorgeous, gorgeous cover!

My WoW

Sally said...

I love all of Elizabeth Scott's books and I am sure this one will be no different. Excellent pick.

Liz Tea said...

I am shamefaced to admit that I've never read an Elizabeth Scott book, but this cover makes me drool so hard, it might be my first.

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Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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