Monday, February 14, 2011

My Top Ten Favorite Love Stories

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. This week's post is about love stories (fitting considering it's Valentine's Day). Once again, this list is in no real order. I'm too, ahem, unorganized for such things.
1. Pride and Prejudice - Of course, I know you're thinking. Of course the silly romantically inclined girl picked Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. Well, duh. How could I not put the #1 man of my dreams on this list?

2. The Mortal Instruments series - Jace and Clary make me wish that me and my boyfriend fought more. Even their fights are romantic. I just love Jace's attitude. Plus, forbidden romance is always the best.
3. Anna and the French Kiss - Yeah, I just read this one a couple of days ago, but it already makes my list. Anna and St. Claire are so perfect for each other. And it's set in Paris. Come on people!

4. Nevermore - Varen and Isobel just yanked at my heartstrings. You really felt their passion and love for one another. And oh, the waiting! It just about drives me crazy.
5. The Notebook - This one shouldn't really count. I've never read the novel. But I just love Allie and Noah too much to not include them. They're so cute and perfect and every girls' fantasy come to life.
6. The Vampire Academy series - I haven't finished this one yet, but I'm so completely in love with Dimitri. He just loves Rose so dang much!
7. Delirium - I have no words. Really. If you haven't read this one, it's just plain sad. Alex and Lena are so meant to be. And I cried, a lot. So I feel obligated to put up my favorite YA romantic read ever.
8. The Time Traveler's Wife - Another one that just tugged at my heartstrings. I loved Henry and Clare's love and how enduring it was. Only real romantics sobbed during this one--I would know.
9. The Gemma Doyle series - I know this one isn't strictly a love story. But Kartik and Gemma's love story was so tragic and utterly romantic. I sigh just thinking about it.
10. The Hunger Games - Last, but certainly not least. Having only read the first two, I'm already hooked on Peeta. Katniss and his romance is beautiful. (Sorry Team Gale people - I'm still a little torn myself.)
Happy Love Day y'all.


The Phantom Paragrapher said...

Pride and Prejudice is on my list , I loved The Notebook- if I could add more that would be on my list as well as Nevermore and The Vampire Academy. I have Anna and The French Kiss on my Ereader to read and have a RC of Delirium

Stephen said...

"The Time Traveler's Wife" seems to get a lot of traction on these lists, regardless of topic!

I like "The Notebook", though mostly for the music. :)

Irene Palfy said...

mhm.. Gemma Doyle.. It's on my TBR! ;")

Love that you picked your No.1 man into the list.. ;")

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I wonder if there are some of these books, that if read, would male every list?

Here's mine:

Eileen said...

I keep hearing about Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen generally isn't my thing but I should really read this one. My sister loves it too.

Orhedea said...

Vampire Academy is on my list too) Dimitri is just so wonderful! And i nearly forgot Varen and Isobel!

Daisy said...

Lol, most of the books on your list I have either read or am planning to very soon! I have Delirium on my list as well, I loved that book so much! Dimitri is swoonworthy, I've only read the first book in the series though, so there's not much lovestory there yet for me.
Oh, and you can't have Mr. Darcy, he's mine :P

Two Bibliomaniacs said...

I'm also a little torn with Gale, even though I fit squarly into the team Peeta camp. I also had P&P and Time traveler's Wife!

Holly said...

I have the Gemma Doyle books on my shelf but haven't read them yet. Yay for Katniss and Peeta! I was rooting for them the whole time :)

kayerj said...

I agree with you on Gemma and Kartik--love just isn't fair is it :)

Anonymous said...

Team Peeta, FTW!

I am so glad I read Anna and the French Kiss early enough. I think it's just a beautiful fantastic book. I actually need to go buy my own copy.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, yes, Anna and St. Claire are so perfect together! I especially loved the setting in Paris too, haha, it made it super romantic. And I so agree for Peeta, I'm crushing so hard on him while reading Catching Fire right now. He is lovely!

Tevya said...

Great picks! We have a few of the same.

Reading Lark's Top 10 Love Stories

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

I've got to move The Time Traveler's Wife up on my TBR list...I've seen it on numerous lists this week :)
The Hunger Games is on my nightstand...yay!!!!

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