Saturday, February 26, 2011

In My Mailbox (11)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. I've stuck to my book buying ban (yay!) but I managed to snag a few ebooks from NetGalley this week. I'm pumped to have gotten a few titles I've been anxiously waiting for.

For Review:
The Betrayal of Maggie Blair Elizabeth Laird
Shine by Lauren Myracle
The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter
The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell
That's it for this week. What did yall get in your mailboxes?


Anonymous said...

Ohhh. Those all look good!

flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

They all look great!

Hope you enjoy! :)

Rie Conley said...

I can't wait to know how you like Vespertine!

MJ said...

I'm really excited about Maggie Blair and i almost requested The Goddess Test as well. Maybe I should, it does sound a bit interesting :)

Happy reading!

p.s. I had to go on a book buying ban as well. Oh well, that's what libraries (and netgalley) are for!

Rachel said...

Those look great! I got The Goddess Test this week too, and I can't wait to read it <3

Here's my IMM:

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i really want to read vespertine! enjoy your books!

In the Hammock Blog

Michelle Santiago said...

yeah! DFTBA! hello fellow nerdfighter :)

i really love the covers on those books. enjoy them all and happy sunday.

Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

Elodie said...

Great mailbox !! I really can't wait to read The Vespertine, everybody loves it !! AHHHH !! I hope you'll enjoy it too !! Happy reading ;)

Majanka said...

I received The Vespertine and The Betrayal of Maggie Blair in my mailbox a while ago, but haven't got around to reading them yet - I did hear they were pretty good. I requested The Goddess Test as well. Happy reading!

Take a look at what I found in my Mailbox this week.

Liz Tea said...

I'm so jealous - those are all amazing books! I really, really want to read The Goddess Test and The Vespertine - can't wait to hear your thoughts on those. Maggie Blair looks really good too, and the cover for Shine is just...ugh. I want to hang it on my wall. It's so beautiful.

Happy reading! <3

Lisa @ Lost in Literature said...

Oooooooooh, great books this week!!! :)

Lisa @ Lost in Literature

Alison Can Read said...

Fab books! I enjoyed Vespertine and I can't wait to read Shine.

A Beautiful Madness said...

The Vespertine looks really good!

Unknown said...

A fanstastic pile of books! They all look very interesting. I can't wait to read The Goddess Test :)
Check out what's In My Mailbox

Mia @GrippedintoBooks

Anonymous said...

I"m totally excited about The Godess Test and The Vespertine. Both look awesome. Great books this week.

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! I really enjoy reading y'alls' thoughts and I read all of my comments.

Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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