Saturday, February 12, 2011

In My Mailbox (10)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Before I get to the actual book-related part of this post, I wanted to say that I love In My Mailbox, and I'm totally supportive of Kristi at the Story Siren about it. I know there's been some controversy surrounding it lately, since an author apparently said it was just for bragging. I just wanted to share that I think In My Mailbox is a great meme and a wonderful way to not only share what I've gotten, but what my fellow bloggers have gotten. I never intended to brag about the books I've gotten (they tend to be few and far-between anyways) and I think that it's simply a great way to share book lovers' enthusiasm over borrowing/buying/getting new or old books. I hope most people realize that it's just a way of gushing about the books we have the privilege of reading, and not an arrogant or bragging post in any ways. Even more than any of that, it's a great way to promote authors and give their books recognition that might have been overlooked. I know that's why Kristi started IMM and I know that's why she continues to do it.
Sorry for that long paragraph. Onto the actual books:
Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann
Fire by Kirsten Cashore
Borrowed from Library:
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney
For Review:
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (from FWIW Reviews)
Chasing Alliecat by Rebecca Fjelland Davis (from the Teen Book Scene)
Oh! And Chasing Alliecat is signed! Eek, my first signed book! It also came with a cool bookmark!
Library trips are always the greatest. And so far I've kept up with my book-buying ban (since my only purchases were before i started it). Sorry for the multiple pictures. I was lucky my camera wasn't too moody for ever the more blurry, up-close pics. Make sure to leave links in the comments so I can check out y'alls' IMM posts. Happy reading!


Naj said...

I've been seeing Cryers Cross around but I didn't bother reading the Synopsis because I didn't really like the cover much. I'm such a shallow book lover. -.- You got great books this week! Hope you enjoy them! :D

My IMM Post

Liz Tea said...

<3 the long paragraph. IMM is my favorite weekly meme, and Kristi is such an awesome person.

Great mailbox this week! ;D Happy reading!

Little Wonder Lauren said...

I'm with you on supporting/defending IMM.

I've recently picked up a copy of Marchetta's Jellicoe Road, which I'm excited to read, but I'm not so certain whether Saving Francesca is up my alley or not. I'd be interested to read your thoughts on the novel.


Shoshanah said...

After hearing about it on so many blogs, I really want to read Anna and the French Kiss. I probably never would have heard of it had it not been for IMM, and for little things like that I think IMM is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

OOh I got Cryers Cross and Anna and the French Kiss this week too. Fire ... is that the follow on from Graceling?

Elodie said...

Great mailbox !! I look forward to knowwhat you thought of all of them !! I've ordered Anna and the French Kiss and I can't wait to receive it !! Enjoy ;)

Alison Can Read said...

Yay - Anna and the FK. Such a good book. I also loved Saving Francesca.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great mailbox! I loved Graceling by Kristin Cashore, I so have to read Fire too. Anna and the French Kiss was amazing, I hope you love it too. And congrats on getting your first signed book, that's awesome. I hope you enjoy your books!

Midnight Bloom said...

You got some awesome books this week which I'm sure you'll love! Anna and the French Kiss, The Mockingbirds, Some Girls Are, Cryer's Cross, The Summer I Turned Pretty... I LOVED them all!!!

Happy Reading!! :)

Jasmine Cervik said...

I got Cryer's Cross and Anna and the French Kiss this week, too! :)


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Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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