Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog Hop (3) & Follow Friday (2)

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted over at Crazy for Books. Every week we get a question and this week's is Thanksgiving themed, which I love since Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. This week's question is:
"Since Thanksgiving is coming up next week, let's use this week's Hop to share what we are most thankful for and what our holiday traditions are!"
My answer: Well, my family and I have always gotten together for Thanksgiving dinner, after a game of high-stakes football where me and my cousins proceed to beat my uncles and aunts every year. After dinner we always run over to my dad's house and stay up all night watching home videos and making fun of our goofy little-kid hairstyles and clothing. As for what I'm thankful for, I'm thankful for my family and friends, books (of course) and for having a well-paying job and being able to live every day to its fullest. Don't make fun of me for being cheesy; you know you just teared up thinking about that kind of stuff. ;)
Follow My Book Blog Friday is another weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and each week we get a question we're supposed to answer. This week's question is:
"How long have you been blogging?"
My answer: Only a month and a half. I'm still a total newbie. I'm just so greatful for so many followers after so little ranting and raving time. :)
I love both of these memes a lot, since they're one of the best ways to meet fellow bloggers. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leave your link if you'd like me to check out yours too. Happy reading!


BLHmistress said...

Hi and Happy Follow Friday. Been a blogger for about a week now. I'm a new follower.

What I'm thankful for is my son.


Caroline said...

@BLHmistress - Thanks for following :) I'm still kind of new myself. :)

Anonymous said...

Your newest follower! I started blogging in April, but didn't take it seriously until last month.

Caroline said...

@ Music4Betty - Thanks!

Elizabeth said...

First-time visitor.

Enjoy the hop.

Unknown said...

Hey! I'm your newest follower just stopping by for FF. I'm a total newbie too. Just started blogging 2 months ago. Us newbies need to stick together! Have a great weekend and happy reading!

Carmel @ Rabid Reads (Twitter)
Don't forget to check out my newest review of One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. 5/5!

Jen said...

Hopping by to say hello!

danya said...

Just hopping on by - love your blog title!

Lauren M said...

Hiya, just hopping by~

Haha, I love it when Thanksgiving includes a game of family football! It just sounds so fun.

I'm a new follower. :)
Lauren | 365 Days of Reading

bibliophile brouhaha said...

I've been blogging since October, so I'm a newbie too - I would never make fun of you for that - nice to see so many people knowing what's really important!

Found you through FF and the Hop - new follow!

-Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

Annette Mills said...

Wow! Awesome goal -- the 365 books. Good luck. I enjoyed reading your reviews and am a new follower.

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I'm a new follower. Welcome to blogging! I've been book blogging for about 6 months, so not that long. I had a food/fitness blog for awhile before that, but I think book blogging fits my personality more.
My Hop

Anonymous said...

Just hopping by and following though. I am a newbie too :)

Shelleyrae @

Alissa said...

Your blog is adorable! And your holiday traditions sound like lots of fun. :]

Have an awesome weekend!

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Thanks for taking the time to comment! I really enjoy reading y'alls' thoughts and I read all of my comments.

Happy reading and DFTBA. (:

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